Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SUN DAUGHTER is available now!


I'm so pleased to announce that SUN DAUGHTER, the last book in the Spellwood Academy series, is finally here!

I wrote this book during a pretty dark period for my family, and I found the process of finishing this series and wrapping up Kyra and Lucien's story deeply healing.



Kyra Solschild has been given over to Lucien, the prince of the night court, the man she once loved. Will he protect her from Spellwood's occupying force, the army of the spring queen, or will he use her for his own cruel purposes?

Kyra doesn't know.

Can she trust him? Or is Lucien truly her enemy now?

As Kyra struggles to survive captivity and schemes to find a way to esape, the rest of Spellwood mobilizes a resistance against the spring queen's army. Cut off from the outside world, with no foreseeable help coming from the fae courts, the students all societies must find a way to work together and put aside prejudice and fight for their lives together--or be killed.


Click here to read or purchase Sun Daughter:

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Hi lovely readers!

Quick update here.

If you’ve pre-ordered Sun Daughter, the final book in the Spellwood series, you may be getting a notification soon that I’ve adjusted the release date to July instead of June. I just wanted to give a little explanation about that.

For some background: my sassy, wisecracking, unicorn-loving baby girl has spina bifida, segmental spinal dysgenesis, and some other physical disabilities that she was born with. In April, she had a major spinal surgery and a long hospital stay that included time in intensive care, and it. Was. Terrifying.

I’d given myself a lot of time to write the book before the surgery, MONTHS of time, and time after as well, but I’d underestimated how difficult it would be for me to concentrate on ANYTHING in the several months leading up to the big day. And in addition to my daughter’s surgery, I had a surgery to treat a pre-cancerous condition that I have. I had a lot on my plate, and I wasn’t able to write at all. I felt like every spark of creativity within me had died, and I was so blocked and overwhelmed.

(I think some people might wonder at this point why I was even attempting to write a book during this time. I have mentioned a few times here and there that both my kids have disabilities. Between the two of them, there isn’t really a time on the calendar when we don’t have some kind of major medical event happening or going to happen in the future. And my condition has been an ongoing thing for several years at this point. So, I’ve written lots of books during many medical situations, surgeries, and interventions, and that’s just life for me! However, I wasn’t expecting how hard the spinal surgery would hit me. It brought up a lot of trauma from my daughter’s birth and it was a psychologically challenging time for me.)

Anyway! I have great news and more great news!

The great news is that my daughter’s surgery was a huge success (we are so thankful to her five surgeons who performed this risky and rare surgery) and she has almost completely recovered at this point. We’re still juggling a lot of extra physical therapy and other medical stuff, but when you have two kids with special needs, that’s kind of just how life goes, so it’s pretty normal. Also, I’m doing really well, and my cells are all normal and non-cancerous.

The other great news is that I am back to writing, and I have all of my creative drive and spark back in abundance. I’m so excited about Sun Daughter.

I just need more time to get the story where it needs to be, so I’ve moved the release date back.

I’m so, so thrilled and impatient to share this final book with you all, and after that, I’m already looking forward to finally starting a new series that I’ve been daydreaming about for months. So, keep an eye out for more info on that as well.

In the meantime, thanks so much for being my lovely readers, and thank you for understanding the delay.

Much love,


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pre-order SUN DAUGHTER now!

 Hello beautiful readers!

I wanted to pop in and let you know that the final book in the Spellwood Academy series, Sun Daughter, is available to pre-order now.


Kyra Solschild has been given over to Lucien, the prince of the night court, the man she once loved. Will he protect her from Spellwood's occupying force, the army of the spring queen, or will he use her for his own cruel purposes?

Kyra doesn't know.

Can she trust him? Or is Lucien truly her enemy now?

As Kyra struggles to survive captivity and schemes to find a way to esape, the rest of Spellwood mobilizes a resistance against the spring queen's army. Cut off from the outside world, with no foreseeable help coming from the fae courts, the students all societies must find a way to work together and put aside prejudice and fight for their lives together--or be killed.


You can click here to pre-order.


And check out the beautiful cover!

  I appreciate everyone's patience in waiting for the end of this series. I've been dealing with several major family health issues throughout 2023 and it put my writing on the back burner for some time. Hopefully I can return to writing full-time soon.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wintertide's War is here!


I'm so thrilled to be able to say that Wintertide's War is available now!

 I had to push the release date back due to some family medical situations, but book #5 in the Spellwood Academy series is finally out in the wild.

You can snag a copy or read it with Kindle Unlimited by clicking here.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

SCARLET DAUGHTER (the 6th and final book in the Sworn Saga) is here!!

 Hi wonderful readers!

Just wanted to let you all know that SCARLET DAUGHTER, the final installment in the Sworn Saga series, is available now! I hope you all love the conclusion to the series!

Okay, I'm going to go take a nap. Whew, I'm exhausted.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Hello dear readers!

If you've been waiting for the next installment in the Sworn Saga, you're in luck. CRIMSON HEART is heeeeeere!


CLICK HERE to purchase or read in Kindle Unlimited.

I hope you enjoy it!


Sunday, November 29, 2020

WHITE MASK is live on Amazon!

 Dearest readers,

The wait is over! White Mask is available now!

Red Rider has escaped the Sworn capital, and now, she rescues Chosen girls under the code name Red Riding Hood and takes them through the wilderness to a secret city run by the Order of the Crimson. She leaves behind her calling card, a white mask, after every rescue.

Her alias, Red Riding Hood, is growing infamous across the land.

But Red longs for Kassian, who has either forgotten their love or is pretending he no longer loves her for her own protection.

When a Huntsman shows up looking to kill the Silver Wolf, Red finds herself torn between loyalty to helping the Chosen girls and her love for the one she can never have.



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