Monday, November 5, 2012

THORNS in Paperback!!

Hi everyone!

Again, sorry for the long absences lately. I have been very distracted over the last few weeks with several personal matters. Good things, mostly, just LIFE things, and life things can be time-consuming and stressful, you know? I'm thankful that I have the flexibility to deal with what comes my way these days, especially when it's in crazy waves like the last few weeks. But all sorts of fun things have happened too--I became an aunt for the first time last week, yay! My little niece is beautiful.

Fortunately, my family hasn't been in any way affected by Sandy, but to all those whose lives have been touched by the disaster, you have my thoughts and prayers!

I've taken a very brief hiatus from writing the third book in the Frost Chronicles series to deal with all those life things I talked about, but good news! I am back at the grindstone today, and my goal is to be finished with the rough draft by the end of this week. Eek! It's a lot to accomplish, but I think I ca do it.

It is still my goal to have a winter release for the third book, either the end of December (unlikely, but possible) or sometime in Jan/Feb of 2013 (much more likely).

In other news, THORNS IS NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK! Yay! So if you don't read ebooks, you can now snag a dead-tree copy for yourself.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful November so far!


  1. Congrats for being an aunt! Congrats for the release of Thorns in paperback. I bet it must look even better as a physical copy.

    Glad to know that now you're back writing! But I hope you don't push yourself too much after the hiatus. :P

  2. Do you have a title for the third book?


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